Ebony Green

Ebony Green is an emerging Scriptwriter, Producer and Picture Editor who enjoys creating films with compelling conflicts that deeply impact and challenge social norms. A graduate of Centennial College’s Art and Communications program, Ebony then enrolled in Humber’s renowned Film & Television Production Advanced Diploma Program to further her studies in filmmaking. At Humber Ebony discovered the art of filmmaking and recognized it as the most complete and creative space where her words compliment and complete her art. To date, her credits include the short documentary “Metanoia,” as writer and producer. She also produced the short student comedy “Boiling” and the “Toronto Accessible Sports Council PSA.” Adept in project management, Ebony also worked on the short films “Farewell” and “Exit Interview” as Production Manager bringing her incredible organizational skills to these productions. Her latest film is the heart felt short drama “Finding Your Rhythm,” which she produced. As Ebony embarks on what promises to be a stellar career, she hopes to have opportunities to work on and eventually create films that will leave a timeless impact in the world.


Zavia Forrest


Michael Harriott